Derbyshire Branch Site Visit to Tunstead Quarry
Tarmac Tunstead, the largest supplier of Lime and Lime-based products in the UK have kindly invited a limited number of Derbyshire Branch Members on a tour of the quarry and part of the process plant.
Arriving at the gate house for 08.30 for a site induction, we will then proceed to a meet and greet with our hosts who will give a short presentation about the site. We will then be taken by a minibus to various viewing areas around the quarry and watch a blast followed by a walking tour though part of the process plant. After the walking tour, we will then drive by the Cement Plant concluding with a Q & A session and a buffet lunch.
We have a maximum of 20 places available and these will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Visitors will be required to bring their own PPE (Full HiVis, Lace Up Boots, Hard Hat, Glasses, Gloves, Ear Protection) and be able to physically walk around part of the plant.
If you would like to attend, please send your details by email to:
Tarmac Tunstead Quarry, Waterswallows Road, Buxton, Derbyshire, SK17 8TG